We believe the children are capable of leading their own learning supported by the teachers and Atelierista.

Children are encouraged to develop and share their ideas and theories so they can make sense of their world.  Together, children and teachers explore these ideas. Our teachers carefully listen to the children’s theories and document them using photographs, video, and narrative. This research often develops into project work.

An investigation may ignite from a variety of ways, such as; a new provocation introduced by a teacher, or a question of a child, or a problem confronted by a group of children. Whilst the inspiration behind each investigation can differ, an investigation typically begins to develop when a teacher recognises it’s potential, joins the children in their wonderment and begins to the cycle of listening observing, discussing, documenting and interpreting. Using the information gained through observation, interpretation and collaborative dialogue, teachers support the children’s curiosity and theories, encouraging further investigation.

The teachers carefully observe and record the children and allow experiences and the environment to support and extend their interests. These projects might last a short time or several months.


Documentation of projects through photographs and words reflect the children’s work back to them, increasing understandings and encouraging them to revisit their work and take it to a deeper level.